
8 2024-05-13





除了饮食,宝宝的睡眠和心情 also play a critical role in their weight gain. Therefore, I make sure to create a conducive environment for them, with a comfortable temperature and minimal noise. I also try to relax and reduce stress, as stress hormones can negatively affect baby weight.

With each passing week, I eagerly await the next prenatal visit, where I can listen to the babies' heartbeats and get updates on their growth. The anticipation of meeting them soon is both exciting and terrifying. I know that the challenges ahead will be great, but the joy they bring will far outweigh any difficulties.

As I prepare for the final stretch of my pregnancy, I am reminded of the strength and resilience of the female body. It amazes me how we can create and nurture life within our wombs. And as I cradle my growing belly, I can't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for this incredible journey.


